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What is Tagging?

Tagging is when the Cadets collect unsolicited donations at shopping centres and store entrances.


Why do we TAG?

This is a source of donations to offset Corps running expenses, which suprisingly can mount up to $50,000 per year.

That works out to about $500 per Cadet per year, just at the Corps level.


Who receives the money from TAG?

The money collected is processed by the Parent Committee and goes directly to supporting the Cadet activities.

All money is strictly counted and managed by the PSC. Officers do not directly handle any loose funds.

We are a non-profit organization, so all funds will be used to directly support your Cadets before our financial year is over.


How often do we TAG?

We generally only have a few specific TAG weekends. Some are for the Corps, some are for Legions and some are for optional activities.


CORPS TAGS are managed by the PSC.

For the Corps, we have two full weekends (Fri, Sat and Sun).

One in the Fall and one in the Spring set aside for direct Corps Tagging.

With good participation, Cadets usually only need to TAG two 3 Hr shifts over the year for the Corps.


POPPY TAGS are managed by the OFFICERS.

For Legions we have one Poppy TAG weekend available for Poppy Sales.

We allocate the time available to the 3 Legions we support.

We have 2 shifts of 3 hrs each, per day.

Times are usually 10am-1pm and 1pm-4pm.

Tag boxes are signed out and handed in at the end of your shift.


Legion 6 - Cloverdale/Surrey

Legion 8 - Whiterock

Legion 240 - Whiterock/Crescent Beach



For those participating in Marksmanship (and other optional activities), there is an additional seperate TAG weekend to offset the direct costs of that optional activity. These are run by the Officer in charge of that Optional Activity.


Does TAG count towards my Community Service Hours?

Yes, TAG is counted toward Community Service. A PSC Member or an Officer can sign-off the hours for you.


What do the Cadets wear for TAG?

Cadets are in Full Dress Uniforms.

Those that have Kilts can use them.

New Cadets who have not yet received a uniform can wear a White Shirt, Black or Dark Trousers and a warm jacket.


What do I need to do while Tagging?

Anytime you are in public in uniform you are representing the 2812 RCACC, The Seaforth Highlander Regiment and Army Cadets.

Therefore you are expected to behave in a respectful and appropriate manner and ensure your uniform is in order.

You should not approach the public directly for donations.

Eye-contact and smiling are encouraged.

When someone makes a donation, say "Thank you Sir/Ma'me".

When a member of the public speaks to you, engage in meaningful conversation.

Many were Cadets and have been and done what you are learning to do.


How do I travel to TAG?

We usually have a few TAG locations, so select one that is convenient for you.

Parents are required to drop and pickup Cadets at the arranged locations and shift times.


Is there a reward for participation?

All Cadets are assisting the Corps in return for what is a free program to them.

Many Cadets grab extra spots because it increases their participation points.

We do track the donations by Cadet and participation by shift.

There is a maximum of 3 participation points allowed per weekend per Cadet.

Increased Corps participation is rewarded by higher priority in Summer Camp selections.


Who do I contact to sign up?

The TAG Sign-up sheets are posted at the Corps Noticeboard well before TAG weekends.

If they are not full, then the Training Officer will fill up the sheets starting with the most senior cadets.

A valid excuse is required to be removed from TAG.

You can also contact the Parent Committee to arrange participation on email


Do we have permission to use the specific locations?

Yes, we need specific permission from the property owners and this is secured well in advance by the Parent Committee.


Who supervises the Cadets during the TAG shifts?

The TAG Sign-up sheet require a Parent Supervisor, Senior Cadet and one or two other Cadets at each shift location.

It is customary for a parent of a Cadet on shift to offer to supervise. especially with 12 or 13 year old Cadets.

If you have a Senior Cadet, then the Senior Cadet can supervise.


As a Supervisor, do I have to sit there for 3 hrs?

We only ask that you be in the area from time to time, to keep an eye on your kids and ensure no-one is hassling them.

You can do some grocery or other shopping, get a coffee, read a book, walk around and visit a few stores.


Is there someone I can phone if there is a problem?

Usually the TAG organiser will make their contact number available.

You can also phone the "2812 Officer on Duty" on Cell: 778-837-9093 for emergencies.

If you are at a store, you can also approach the Manager for assistance.


How do I prepare for TAG?

Make sure your uniform is neat and that you have eaten a solid meal before arriving.

Bring a full water bottle with you.


Are there toilets?

Yes, we always TAG at locations with toilet facilities. Junior Cadets are escorted to the facilities or allowed to go in pairs.


Can I buy myself out of a Corps TAG weekend?

This is something we are looking into as an option for busy families, please talk to your PSC chair about this option.

Remember that you can get a Tax Receipt for Donations. We would however, rather see you participate.




© 2025 by 2812RCACC.

Once a Seaforth, always a Seaforth!

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