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Hello and welcome to 2812 RCACC Seaforth Highlanders of Canada,


You have been added to our Corps emailing lists for newsletters and notifications. Please visit our website below for many frequently asked questions and answers. You can also sign up for Text Alerts.



If you have not provided us an email address for Parent1, Parent2 and Cadet, please send them over, so we can ensure everyone is kept informed.

Free from

ps if your email bounces you will get auto deleted.


Parade Location:

We are currently parading at our normal location.

Always check the website for updates.


New Cadets;

You are not expected to know anything other than your Name, Platoon Number and Star Training Level. You will learn all about the Corps and the routines over the next few weeks. As you progress you will learn to use your "Chain of Command" for questions and assistance.


New Parents;

The success of your Cadets at our Corps has a lot to do with your direct participation in the Parent Sponsoring Committee. The program although it is free does require manpower and fundraising to keep it free and fun for the Cadets. You can expect a call from our PSC Chairperson looking for involvement in the various activities managed for your Cadets. If you make any donations over $25 the Army League  (via the PSC) will provide charitable tax receipts. The PSC and Officers are available to answer any questions you might have.



Meet other parents at the PSC and try to car-pool for drop-offs and pickups of regular training nights.



We will take Cadet measurements in the near future but we require the Cadets to attend at least 3 parades before we go ahead and place orders for the uniforms. In the interim they can wear dark trousers and white shirt (warm jacket if required). Uniforms can take up to 60 days to arrive.


Drop-off and pick-up times:

Cadets are dropped off at 6:00pm and picked up at 9:00pm.

Please note that we recommend that parents attend final parades to hear the announcements, see awards etc, so please arrive around 8:30pm for final parade.

Only 2812 parents authorized on the registration forms may pick up Cadets.

Cadets are not allowed to leave early without prior arrangements.

Late pick-ups will cause your Cadets to receive extra duties. Please be on time.


Star Training Levels:

Based on age you are assigned to the various training levels (Green, Red and Silver) BUT for the first 60 days all new Cadets will all work with the Green Star Classes to learn the basics required to be in Cadets.


New Cadets;

Please REMEMBER your assigned Platoons.

If you have forgotten, ask the RSM where you should be.





Administration Officer

2812 RCACC Seaforth Highlanders of Canada


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© 2024 by 2812RCACC.

Once a Seaforth, always a Seaforth!

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