2812 RCACC
Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps
Seaforth Highlanders of Canada
Surrey, British Columbia, Canada

We receive direct support in the way of cash donations, free premises use as required for special training (First Aid and Seniors events), free hosting for Special Events (Ortona Dinners) and other celebratory events. We are very proud to be associated with the following organizations and participate in their functions as requested. We fully support their Poppy Tag Drives, Remembrance Day Parades, Open Houses and any other Commerative and Community events.
LEGION 6 - Surrey - Cloverdale
Address: 17567 - 57 Avenue, Cloverdale, B.C.
Website: http://www.cloverdale.bc.ca/legion/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cloverdalelegion
Tel: 604-574-5300
LEGION 8 - Surrey - White Rock
Address: 2290 - 152 St, White Rock, BC
Website: http://legion8whiterock.ca
Tel: 604-531-2422
LEGION 240 - Surrey - Crescent Beach
Address: 2643 - 128th Street, Surrey, BC
Website: http://www.legioncrescentbranch240.ca
Website: http://www.rcl240.ca/
History: http://www.surreyhistory.ca/creslegion.html
Tel: 604-535-1080
Knights of Columbus - Surrey, BC
Website: http://kofcbc.org/